72, Tzarigradsko chaussee blvd, 1784-Sofia, Bulgaria
Activities | Staff | Publications | Projects | Posters | ACTRIS-Bulgaria | Lidar measurements, (EARLINET) |
Lidar mapping of ground aerosols |
Cloud's hight CHM15k | Lidar Papers |
The Laser Radars Laboratory has been established in 1974 as a specialized unit for development of experimental methods and systems for high spatial and temporal resolution laser remote sensing of the atmospheric parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, as well as investigation of the optical and microphysical characteristics of the atmospheric aerosols and pollutants. The scope of the research activities of the Laboratory has further been enlarged, including the development of other (optical or gamma) radiation-based approaches for contactless remote sensing of material media. The scientists from the Laboratory have a long-standing and recognized experience in the fields of active and passive optical remote sensing of material media, lidar and sun-photometer data processing and interpretation, development of software and hardware products, etc. They have achieved significant, internationally recognized results in the frame of various national and international projects within Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes of the European Union, contracts with the European Space Agency, Siemens AG (Germany), Bulgarian National Science Fund, and continue to do so under the EU Research and Innovation Programme Horizon 2020.
The Institute of Electronics, through its Laser Radars Laboratory, is a member of the pan-European Research Infrastructure (RI) ACTRIS (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure), that consolidates activities of more than 100 research institutes and organizations of 21 European countries for observation of aerosols, clouds and trace gases and for understanding of the related atmospheric processes. This RI plays a substantial role for acquiring new knowledge and creating a common European policy on climate changes, air quality and transfer of air pollutions over long distances (including transboundary pollution). The Laser Radars Laboratory is engaged in ACTRIS through the provision of quality controlled atmospheric data for Bulgaria.
Currently the coordination of ACTRIS is supported by two different EC-projects under the Horizon 2020 Program: ACTRIS-2 (Project No. 654109, 2015-2019) and ACTRIS Preparatory Phase Project (PPP) (Project No. 739530, 2017-2019). The former revolves around the on-going research, coordinating efforts of partner organisations and producing observations and data, while the latter is a project aiming to establish a research infrastructure with its own legal entity and operational structure that will carry on the work done by ACTRIS-2. ACTRIS was accepted into ESFRI (The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure) Roadmap in 2016. This means that ACTRIS has been identified as a new important pan-European research infrastructure, and that it has been deemed to be mature enough to be operational within the next ten years.
By Decision No. 354 of the Council of Ministers of Republic of Bulgaria, on 29.06.2017, the updated National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2017-2023 was adopted. This roadmap includes the "National research infrastructure for observation of aerosols, clouds and trace gases integrated within the pan-European research infrastructure ACTRIS".
Map of the distribution over EUROPE of the active EARLINET stations updated at 14/12/2017; available at
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